Our stylists at AG Beauty Services are truly passionate about the industry. Our goal is to make each person look and feel naturally beautiful. We understand how important it is to listen and communicate with every client, in order to achieve the look they want. We are knowledgeable about many professional products and willing to answer any questions you may have. We believe in continuous education.
owner Alex Graber
Alex is a hair and makeup artist. She works part time at her home studio. She has her bachelors in business. She is a mom of two and when she's not doing hair she's busy with her family and kids sports.
Carly Graber - makeup artist
Carly is a freelance makeup artist. She's been working with us for 10 years and is also my sister in law. She is finishing her degree in nursing. She is a mom of 2 and when she's not doing weddings she's busy studying and spending time with her family.
Chelsea Rothstein - hair & makeup artist
Chelsea is a freelance hair and makeup artist who's been working with us for 10 years. She recently graduated with her teaching degree and is looking to become a teacher.